Does It Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

July 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 5:49 pm
Illustration of dental implant in jawbone between natural teeth

Dental implants are often praised as the best form of tooth replacement. However, the treatment process does require surgery, so some patients are reluctant to move forward with it. Are you curious about what it feels like to get dental implants? Does the surgery hurt? What can you expect during the post-op period? This blog post explains the basics of what you should know.


What Types of Facial Injuries Can an Oral Surgeon Help to Correct?

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 5:15 pm
X-ray showing fractured nasal bone

Accidents, whether they are in sports, on the road, or in other circumstances, sometimes result in severe harm to the face. If you have recently sustained facial injuries, it is important that you have a qualified medical team who can help you to minimize the long-term impact of your injuries. Very often, that team should include an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. What are some examples of injuries that an oral surgeon can help to correct? This blog post explains.


What Is an Impacted Canine Tooth? What Happens if It is Not Treated?

July 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 4:50 pm
Illustration showing partially impacted canine teeth

In most cases, discussions about impacted teeth center on the wisdom teeth, which are the last set of molars at the back of the mouth. But did you know that impaction can affect other teeth as well, including the canines? What exactly is an impacted canine tooth, and what can happen if this issue remains untreated? Continue reading to discover some important information about this dental health issue.
