4 Possible Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

December 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Steve Koo @ 4:10 pm
Forceps holding tooth after successful tooth extraction procedure

No one likes the idea of getting a tooth removed. If your dentist recommends that you undergo an extraction, it’s understandable if you are nervous. You might even question whether the procedure is really necessary. Rest assured that your dental team has your best interests at heart; they always have a sound basis for removing teeth. Let’s talk about a few common reasons for extraction.


In many cases, a dentist can repair a decayed or damaged tooth with a filling, crown, root canal therapy, or another restorative treatment. However, such measures have their limits. In some cases, tooth decay is so severe that it is not possible to preserve the tooth. Removing it can end your pain and allow your mouth an opportunity to heal. Later, you may be eligible for tooth replacement, such as a bridge or dental implant.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults. When it is in its early stages, the damage it causes is minimal and reversible. However, it if goes untreated for too long, it can become so severe that it destroys both the gums and the underlying bone. The gums and bone may recede so much that the teeth no longer have an adequate base of support, causing them to feel loose. Also, because their roots are exposed, they may be extremely sensitive. Extraction is often the best course of action for people who are suffering from advanced gum disease.


Some people have a naturally small mouth, while others have extra teeth. Such scenarios can cause overcrowding, which in turn increases the risk that a person will suffer from a misaligned bite, decay, and other significant dental problems. It might be necessary to remove one or more teeth before orthodontic treatment so the braces or clear aligners have enough space to do their job and shift the teeth into proper alignment.

Problems with Wisdom Teeth

Problems with wisdom teeth are among the most common reasons for extraction in teens and young adults. The wisdom teeth are the third molars at the back of the mouth, and when they start to erupt, they can cause numerous problems, such as overcrowding, cysts, infections, and more. If your wisdom teeth are threatening your oral health, removing them is necessary. This type of extraction procedure is often more complicated than other types of extractions because the wisdom teeth may be trapped beneath the gumline. In many cases, general dentists refer patients to an oral surgeon for wisdom tooth removal.

The prospect of getting a tooth removed can be a little intimidating, but there is no need to worry. Your procedure is likely to benefit your oral health both now and well into the future.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Steve Koo and William Shepard are board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons who are proud to serve the Katy/Cypress area. Surgical tooth extractions (including wisdom tooth removal) and dental implants are just a few of the services they provide. To learn more about them and how they may be able to help you, contact our team at 832-353-1100.